John Coleman, a founder of The Weather Channel, on the origins of global warming and climate change alarmism and why those conditions of the climate are not caused by humans. - 2010
See the following two articles for the origins of the Antropogenic Global Warming(AGW) Scare tactic.
See the video following on Maurice Strong, the godfather of AGW.
Man made Global Warming: The Story & the Reality
By Tom Tamarkin - March 24, 2021
"One of the early purposes of climate alarmism was to stimulate the reduction of the worldwide population over an extended period, under the ultimate control of a single worldwide government.
It is predicated on the fictitious notion of man-produced climate change...
The plan was and perhaps still is to use climate change as a socially accepted reason to force the abandonment of the cheap, abundant energy produced by fossil fuel and nuclear generation.
To maintain a population of over 7.5 billion human beings requires massive amounts of food and energy.
o Energy is the key.
o It takes energy to raise, harvest, produce and transport food.
o And it takes still more energy to provide for man's comfort and mobility.
Reducing the amount of available energy by a significant factor assures that sustainable conditions are only available for a similarly reduced population.
Such conditions are ripe for tyrannical socialistic control through a unified worldwide government..."
The Club of Rome and Rise of “Predictive Modelling” Mafia
By Matthew Ehret on November 28, 2022.
"While much propaganda has gone into convincing the world that eugenics disappeared with the defeat of Hitler in 1945, the reality, as I discussed in my previous article The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits, is far removed from this popular fantasy.
In that piece, I reviewed the origins of cybernetics as a new “science of control” created during World War II by a nest of followers of Lord Bertrand Russell who had one mission in mind.This mission was to shape the thinking of both the public as well as a new managerial elite class who would serve as instruments for a power they were incapable of understanding."
Maurice Strong - The Godfather of Climate Change
Maurice Strong's wiki says it all IMO. Got rich from oil, and started the Climate Change Scam for the UN.
It was a money making scheme first: